Charlie Manson Comes Across Venus de Milo

Beatrice J. Murphy

"Give me your arms as they are everyone's,
Let me dust you whiter so you won't be mistaken for Blackie,
I asked you for your arms...!
Well then, as I cut another cross into my forehead, I'll remove your arms too.

You are not intended by God, you were created in fiery times before.
A weak, bare woman; a dog with her body spread.
Thousands would love to come join my family,
So tempt the government to put me in the grave now to treble that number."

"I have been hailed by thousands as inspirational and breath-taking,
I am seen as most beautiful; perhaps I would be less stunning with my arms.
I travel the world for free,
Am tended to before being displayed to the various publics,
The museum hands don gloves and regard me with the utmost respect,
Especially towards my breasts and the area of the sheet about my legs.

I was carved for a sole purpose of commemorating something organic and loved."

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

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