Last Chance
by Robert Stout

Last chance for gas seventy five miles
I saw the sign when I was a child
I didn't understand it
Today I do
Today I have the fuel
And watch as seven cars drive by
With their gauges on empty
Straight into the future
Without any notice

Any of them could have stopped
Instead they followed one another
Blindly into the desert
Running on fumes
Past the piles of burning money
And lost opportunities
And chances for life

They weren't cruising past
The gas pedals were pegged to the floor
Full out
Head on
Into darkness
Their lights barely flickering
Focusing on the car in front of them
Ignoring the warnings
Missing the sights
A daisy chain of ignorance

The station is well lit
It invites them in
The bathrooms are clean
The snack shop is full
Signs point to it for miles around
Open twenty four hours a day
Yet they miss it every time
Following the oblivious
Leading the gullible

Shots ring out in the dark
Another one falls to the side of the road
But they continue onward
Into a predetermined fate
A life wasted
A generation lost
To join those before them
Who also missed the sign

Last chance for gas
And no one comes
I polish the pumps
And sweep the driveway
Fresh flowers bloom along the entrance
I replace the burnt out lights
Every day
I clean the windows
And watch them pass
Every day

Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

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