I Am the Leader, Immune to It
by Adolf von Koenig

I take no note of it because I am above it, better than it, way beyond it, living in a world of my own creation that is beyond even the possible reach of its supposedly highly-infectious, but actually puny, capability, beyond its ability to affect me in any way because I am so much stronger than it that I scarcely notice it, and wiser than those who would say otherwise, more capable than them with a better understanding of my own highly significant power that is beyond anything they could ever attain, even hope to comprehend, higher than they could possibly dare to set their sights on, because compared to me, it is nothing and they are nothing—no, less than nothing, less even than a meaningless spec on a microscopic subatomic particle, like one of those quarks or whatever they are called, so tiny and meaningless compared to me that it, and they, are not even worth my noticing because I am the absolute leader, elected by the will of the people—no, actually placed in my lofty position by the will of God, so it has to be, without question, that I am completely immune to it.

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