Survival in the Time of Virus
by Francois Rene Bermann

The virus sticks to me.
It’s a growth on my skin.
A worrisome growth.
Maybe cancerous,
I can’t rub it off.

But then I wake up.
It’s only dream.
A reoccurring dream.
Every night,
I wake up sweating,
Will it get me?
People are dying.

I haven’t been outside of my house.
in weeks.
They say that’s the solution.
Stay at home and it can’t get you.
So, I do.
I hide.
I have nothing to worry about.
But people are still dying.

If all we have to do is stay home,
why are people dying?
Are they ignoring the doctors’ advice?
Are they “going about their business,”
as “certain people” are telling them to?
Why would they do that?
Are they crazy?
Do they want to die?

Our great leader said it was nothing
to worry about.
Said it would disappear,
like magic.
Said even if you got it,
it would be no worse than the flu.
Maybe only a bad cold.
Just drink the magic elixir.
Or inject it.
It will be gone.
But people are still dying.

They say it’s nothing to worry about,
it’s on the news.
People are dying.
Body count growing

Maybe it’s in the air.
Some say it’s being transmitted by
cell phone towers.
Some kind of new technologyv came along
at the same time.
Can’t be a coincidence.
People are believing
these things.

Maybe people are dying
because . . . because they are weak.
Not like our great leader.
He is strong.
He doesn’t need to take
He says we should be like him.
He says we should be brave.
He says should trust him.
But people are still dying.
Why did this have to happen?
Why didn't our great leader
do something about it?

Copyright 2020. All rights reserved.

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